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虚拟币交易平台 viabtc_exchange_server ubuntu 16.04 安装步骤

########1############ 下载宝塔: wget -O && sudo bash Congratulations! Install succeeded! ================================================================== Bt-Panel: username: dbdiyxmj password: f2ec3b83 Warning: If you cannot access the panel, release the following port (8888|888|80|443|20|21) in the security group ================================================================== sudo apt update ########2############ sudo apt install libev-dev libjansson-dev libmpdec-dev libmysqlclient-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libldap2-dev libgss-dev librtmp-dev libsasl2-dev git default-jdk openssl libssl-dev mysql-server 数据库root 密码:root ########3############ wget http...

MediaStore.Images.保存图片时生成两张图片的问题 并且在oppo手机上时间是1970-01-01 08:00:00

MediaStore.Images.保存图片时生成两张图片的问题 并且在oppo手机上时间是1970-01-01 08:00:00 正确方式如下 使用方式一 private void saveImage( String originFilePath) { File appDir = new File ( Environment . getExternalStorageDirectory() . getPath() + " /leikebaijing/images " ); if ( ! appDir . exists()) appDir . mkdirs(); String fileName; long dateTaken = System . currentTimeMillis(); if (originFilePath . contains( " / " )) { fileName = originFilePath . substring(originFilePath . lastIndexOf( " / " ) + 1 ); } else { fileName = dateTaken + " jpg " ; } File file = new File (appDir, fileName); if ( ! file . exists()) { try { file . createNewFile(); } catch ( IOException e) { e . printStackTrace(); } ...